Mayor shared Bogotá's key advances at UCLG World Cities Summit on Korea

Mayor shared Bogotá's key advances at UCLG World Cities Summit Photo: District Directorate of International Relations
At the event, which took place in the city of Daejeon, Korea, Mayor Claudia López presented advances in transparency and care issues.

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Mayor Claudia López's international agenda in Korea continued with her participation in the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders and Congress of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network, where she presented Bogotá's experience on issues of global interest.

This event, held in the city of Daejeon (Korea), is considered the heart of the municipal movement, as thousands of elected officials, civil society representatives, and other stakeholders participate. The importance given to this event reflects its capacity to mobilize and strengthen multilateralism.

In this year's edition, the Mayor participated in the panel 'Implementing smart city policies responsibly', in which she presented the work of transparent public management with which Bogotá is becoming a benchmark when it comes to information access and data use.

There, Mayor López explained that transparency and inclusion are decisive factors in the development of smart cities that contribute to increasing citizens' trust in the state and in the public sector.

As Mayor López explained, the objective of these strategies is to close socioeconomic gaps; improve the synergy between citizens, and the public and private sectors; and provide as much information as possible to citizens, so that they can make the best decisions, all of which will translate into improvements in the quality of life of the people of Bogotá.

Mayor López also participated in the panel 'Governing local and global realities as one: The Future of Government' at the summit. This session focused on the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of their implementation based on local actions.

In his speech, she emphasized that putting care at the center does not only mean welfare, but a true transformation of governance, a systemic change that goes beyond how basic services are carried out.

In addition, the Mayor participated in a series of parallel events organized by the Metropolis network of cities, of which she is president. The main one was a panel on Megacities, in which she shared Bogotá's perspective on the formation of a metropolitan governance model.

Based on the experience in the formation of Bogotá-Region, she explained the relevance of facing metropolitan problems in a collaborative and responsible manner from the alignment of local and regional development plans aimed at the objectives of global agendas, such as the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda.

Mayor López also attended the 'Through the Eyes of Girls and Boys: Incorporating the perspective of girls and boys in metropolitan strategies', in which she was able to view drawings made by children as part of the Metrópolis con Ojos de Niños (Metropolis through Children's Eyes) drawing contest and talked about the inclusion of the vision of children in the construction of cities.

As part of the agenda, Mayor López participated in the launch of the documentary “Bogotá: From inequality to care-based communities", which not only seeks to raise international awareness of the work of the Bogotá Care System, but also to share the benefits of thinking about governance from the perspective of caring for people and the planet.

Below is a tweet from UCLG's official account thanking Mayor Claudia López for her participation in the launch of the documentary on the Bogotá Care System:

Finally, the Mayor met with the Mayor of Seoul, Oh Se-Hoon, to discuss opportunities for collaboration and to commemorate the 40 years of friendship between Bogotá and the Korean capital. The meeting explored the possibility of an agreement for the interoperability of information management and collection of the various means of transportation with a view to 2027 and a financing scheme for small businesses and entrepreneurs.